So why do any of us bother going to church or adhering to any organised religion when this sort of nonsense is so prevalent? When pastors, priests, vicars and their hangers on forgive and absolve themselves of criminal acts that the average citizen would expect to be dealt with under the law of the land.
As a child I grew up with the message of "you must be in The Word everyday". This formula was magically supposed to cure all ills, ensure eternal life and ensure a life of internal peace. But the purveyor of this mantra sacrificed time with his family by delving into "The Word" to extract obscure meanings, which as time has gone on became excuses for the criminal behaviour of fellow missionaries. And just like the article, when challenged, the "good" works were stacked up as some sort of theological balance for the evil done and the command was to close a blind eye to the temptations that these poor unfortunate servants of the Lord had yielded to and praise God for the compensatory good they had achieved.
Decades down the track, nothing has changed, except the mania has got worse. The same mantra is being pumped out, but now with a more sinister hint of desperation, for the evil being exposed requires even stronger words and more time in "The Word" to find justification.
And in all the decades spent "being in the Word", the most simplest lesson seems to have been missed, the message of being charitable to ones fellow citizens. A lesson if put into practise would I suspect make us more Christ like than many other words of wisdom derived from "The Word".
Then again I might have got this all wrong. Maybe such excusing of ones abuse is not that common and the childhood I had clouded the true view of normality. But then again, what is normal? It certainly isn't me