Just curious, but where did the figure 2% come from? Being an "anonymous" site it is hard to know who is from where, for all we know 350 of the non posters might never have been to Fanda or a part of NTM, because there is no obligation to say anything about ones past or alliances. Never know, they might all be good Tribers wanting to keep up to date with developments.
Of course it is no secret where posters such as Raz, Paul, myself and a few others fit into the equation, it's in our posts.
Also what should be taken into account is the amount of behind the scenes communication that goes on. i.e. members who have not posted sometimes contact me for various reasons. Their needs are different than mine, whereas I find therapeutic value in rambling on day after day, some want to talk privately about their own situations. I will always respect their privacy and do not judge them for not posting publically.
So now some bright cookie is going to say "But Bemused you have made claims like 42% (appx) of NTM missionaries aren't even on the field, how can you make such outlandish claims?". And of course you would be right to ask how I make such claims. The difference is NTM lists their staff (with nice pics
) and where they are, so it is simply a matter of dividing those listed as being in say the U.S. and dividing it by the total (and wallagh there is the percentage, add in those who are converting brown gold in Canada, NZ, Germany e.t.c. and the figure is closer to 50%)
Fanda Eagles is like a democracy with benefits. Anyone can join (spammers dealt with promptly I see) and anyone can post. Anyone can contact the likes of yours truly and share, dispute, praise (yes please), ponder, muse or respond. And I even reply to almost every message, as I'm sure others do, which is much better than "democratically" elected politicians who reply only when it suits them, or they think they can get a vote or cash
Ooops I'm rambling off the subject.
So the question is, where does the figure of 2% come from?