My Dear Raz,
Unfortunately as Downunder MKs who had the misfortune to be in PNG, we tumbled out of Numonohi, back into our own society wondering what on earth we had struck and disillusioned with much of it.
Your point is very valid and correct. The bigots who had so much influence at Numonohi did no one any favours and were a very poor representation of the many fine people who did not share their strange views.
I must confess I tumbled out never wanting to hear another white adult male American religious voice ever again and yet I had become in part a bigot myself, because I had experienced the kindness of many other Americans who were on the field (and probably had no idea what weird thinking their own children were being subjected to in the school system) and allowed my judgement to be clouded.
Now I find myself corresponding with Americans on pretty much a daily basis, some of whom are male and have deeply held religious convictions. I am happy to report that I have escaped out of my trench and very much enjoy and appreciate swapping ideas, thoughts and humour.
Please forgive any offense or discomfort caused to people of impeccable virtue such as yourself, for you have helped those of us from the bottom of the globe come to appreciate the good is present in abundance and rotten apples should not taint the reputation of the many good apples.
However in my imperfect unsaintly state, I am still trying to love Australians. Please bear with me, this could take some time and effort