In my mistaken wisdom, I thought I'd have a few weeks doing something for myself, so I signed myself up for an adventure course, knowing that physically I would be pushed to the limit.
And indeed it came to pass that for 21 days and nights, this 50 year old frame was pushed to the very limits as it climbed steep mountains with an enormous pack, rowed a cutter for days, tented in the tail end of a cyclone, climbed sheer cliffs blindfolded and kayaked raging torrents. I still have the callouses and bruises to prove it, plus a set of muscles that I had previously been unaware of the existence of. All this culminated in a half marathon run on steepish tracks, which Bemused completed in a respectable time and faster than many people half his age.
What I didn't realise that a major component of the course was of a psychological nature, with long periods of exploring ones values and purpose in life. On paper not a bad idea, but the techniques used took me back to the MK years, especially when my utterances were being written down. Eventually I got tired of the mind games and started giving obscure but intelligent sounding answers which the instructors (who were half my age and had a lot less life experience me thinks) had no prepared script for, sort of what I did as an MK to avoid being emotionally exposed or broken.
Anyway part of the course was 3 nights and 2 days spent alone in the bush, in which we were supposed to discover amazing things about ourselves and go on to be wonderful citizens (actually that was the mantra of the whole experience, but when you've reached my decrepit vintage if you haven't figured much of what life is about, then you've left the run a bit late). One of the exercises was to create a "gift" for the group (the 8 other geriatrics I shared a bunk room with, every meal with and a total lack of privacy for the duration), so I wrote a poem (well what else would you expect Bemused to do
). It got a nice reception.
The last night of the course was concert night, where each group did an act of some description. Someone kindly asked if we could do the poem I'd written, so each of our group read a bit, while we sat round our simulated campfire. It got a very warm reception and will be published in the next book of wisdom, for future attendees to ponder the wisdom therein.
So I thought to myself, why not put this on Fanda Eagles. Feel free to comment, discuss, critique or ask questions
Go placidly
Amidst the noise of life
Take on challenge
Avoid strife
Observe those around
Before ye speak
For sometimes true wisdom
Comes from the meek
Avoid those
With fine smooth tongue
For oft will find
They speak pure dung
Seek out the sincere
Who have humility
And those who use wisdom
To fly free
Fly free yourself
But remember the ground
For in its simplicity
Much good does abound
Appreciate beauty
That has soul
For looks deceive
When they are not whole
Convert not another
To your belief or thought
Unless you will change
What you also have been taught
Believe in your God
Or what you perceive
But not due to fear
If you do not believe
Walk with a child
Light up their way
Let them express doubts
And wipe tears away
Experience kindness
As a breath of fresh air
Celebrate those who
For you generously care
To those in hiding
In fear or dread
Give shelter from storm
A meal, a bed
Remember your enemies enemy
Can be a valued friend
Fight only for justice
Not war without end
Work hard, play fair
Relax between storms
Seek the solace of friends
Who your heart tenderly warms
Accept that there are those
Whose journey is bliss
Be not jealous
That they had what you miss
If it's that important
Then make it your goal
But adversity creates strength often
And a person more whole
Be others inspiration
By kind words or deed
Help those who are stuck
And struggle with need
But beware the selfish
Who in self pity thrive
For some will never move on
And only exist to survive
For they will exhaust you
Then move on like a leech
Not returning your kindness
When some crisis you reach
Give thanks for true friends
Who love warts and all
For genuine love frees
And helps one walk tall
Conquer loneliness
The best way you can
For it comes to most
When life goes not to plan
Fear not isolation
In small doses it's good
But if it goes on to long
Ask why there's no trees in the wood
Accept life is transient
Friendships sometimes fade
Circumstances change
Life is not staid
Aim to depart
To wherever you'll go
Having put more into life
Than you took from its flow
Aim to grow old
But live life fully each day
For mortality on earth
Is but a heart stop away
See others as fellow travellers
Each with their pack
Not placed in your world
To provide what you lack
For if you see the existence of others
Your needs to fulfil
You've missed the point
Of life's challenge and thrill
Dare to be different
Swim against the tide
Be a beacon of hope
Not just there for the ride
Be truthful in all you can
For lies compound
And laugh when you're able
For tears oft do abound
Let the inner child free
If your childhood was there
Help others find theirs
Who knew only despair
For the grass may appear greener
On other side of the fence
But closer inspection
Reveals weeds prickly and dense
But whatever your path
Alone or with friends
Live not just to exist
For on that, real life depends