I've written 3 replies to this, Raz, and all 3 times It disappeared!!! No, no conspiracy, just battery life, and a phone call.
And I know you all understand. But maybe this will help.
It's hard to keep up with other MKs. We often live incredibly far apart. From one to the next our lifestyles are quite different.
Paranoia creeps in--it is, after all how we were raised. We thought the question, "How is your walk with The Lord?" was a normal and an ok question to ask someone in the first five minutes of conversation. So part of us thinks that maybe an old friend is still like that.
And if we got brave enough to talk with iHart, perhaps some wish that they hadn't.
Some may feel that they are tired of living in the past and want to move on. And spouses, children, may not understand what to them is our obsession.
1). Don't be too nosy about fellow classmates. Just because we sang "Our God is an Awesome God" together 20 years ago doesn't mean you need to know about every church, job, or relationship.
2). We would need to agree that abuse did happen and that NTM is still not responding appropriately.
3). ? ? Your pick
I know that there are MKs from Via and other fields that haven't told your story yet. It's OK. No condemnation. But if you need someone to advocate for you, start the process, or just listen, then please get in touch. There are people on here that will go to bat for you.
If anyone wants to talk in a real phone conversation about the process, about our response to the non-response, your reactions, anything regarding these threads, pm me and I will give you my number. Maybe we can figure this out together.
Writing from Pennsylvania.