I am a nonNTM MK. I was born and raised in West Africa where my parents began their ministry with a mission in the mid 1950's. I am 46 and have only recently been reading up on all the stories in this forum. The mission my parents were with, I believe, faced boarding school abuse head on once they discovered what was going on. I felt the need to say something with respect to MKFalcon's post. I am sorry for what you had to deal with as a young child at boarding school. I too attended boarding school through the 8th grade and completed the rest of my education, as did my siblings, by correspondence. "I will never apologize to anyone on these forums for abuse they suffered as MK's." This struck me as rather harsh so maybe I am not understanding what you meant. By saying we are sorry for the abuse suffered, we are sympathizing with the horrific atrocities that happened to them.
Secondly, the statement about blaming our parents and if we don't, you would wonder why..........I would agree that parents hold some responsibility but as MrsM stated, they trusted the organization they worked for (the organization that was under Godly leadership) to protect their children. My parents wake up every night, overwhelmed by guilt for sending their children away. In the 1950's and 60's, there were not many options. I look at the weight put on their shoulders....do God's calling and place your children in the care of someone else (totally contrary to what parenting is all about.) They too suffered. I will have to say that my parents listened when we reported abuse and they took action. We all were home schooled after that and they also spoke to the directors of our mission.
Ruth Van Reeken's book is good. I have read it, in fact, I know her and have spoken to her about all those years ago. I am not trying to offend, like you I am finding a voice. It has only been recently that I became aware of the fanda eagles. I was aware of the NTM allegations and the abuse at Fanda. What I believe the NTM MK's are struggling with, and I may be mistaken...if I am, I hope someone will "straighten" me out, is that, while NTM has acknowledged Fanda, they need to do ALOT more. The abuse in their schools didn't just happen in the 50's and 60's....it is very recent, the perpatrators are still out there and some, although have been transferred, still work for the mission. This is not acceptable!!!!! It is wrong and it's as if these kids, albeit now adults, are being victimized all over again!!! I was not sexually abused but was physically and mentally abused and I have friends that were so abused..........these stories are gut wrenching and the leadership at NTM has a responsibility to make this issue a priority and tackle it head on.
Again, MKFalcon, I am not here to offend. I want to understand. If I have offended anyone, it has not been my intent and I apologize.