There's another thing NTM does not do that is common for many businesses, organizations and mission agencies...they don't conduct exit interviews. Our missions pastor recommended that we ask for one, which we did, but it seemed to be considered an odd request and only someone higher up could do it, as in EC. Since that person was very busy and we couldn't seem to coordinate our schedule, we asked if another person who was in leadership in the field where we served last would be available, but he declined because he said he was too close to the if an exit interview was the chance for us to 'dump', whereas we just wanted to have a 'normal' exit interview where we give our perspective on our experiences and they say how they thought we performed, etc. But anyway, we never did have our interview because it just didn't work with our schedules. Our missions pastor was very unimpressed with this policy (or lack thereof) and seemed to think it unprofessional.
I find this very curious and it allows for speculation...does NTM not want to get feedback from exiting members? Do they not want the chance to hear how NTM could be improved? It would be easy to think that NTM does not care to self-evaluate...and in the case of non-U.S. members, if an exit interview could gather valuable information as to how NTM could improve it's relationship with international members, then why not do them?