Thank you for your encouragement toward action, Mr. O Thornery. I agree that actions speak the loudest, and it does seem that if the members within NTM and the churches and individuals supporting them were to speak up/out, that it would be powerful. I didn't quite understand the reference to putting food on the table & jeopardizing our ministry. Are you saying it would jeopardize us & our relationship with our supporters if we spoke up? Or are you saying it would jeopardize NTM and then we'd have no ministry and then no supporters and then no food on the table? Just trying to understand! As for the first possibility, I believe each person on our support team values openness, honesty and justice. And as to the second possibility, I believe God can use our family in ministry in or out of NTM, with our without support. So no fears for either regard. Yet, please set me straight if I misunderstood you! Thank you for speaking up to encourage all of us to take action! And no offense taken!
I have been following some of your ramblings and i must embarrassingly admit that I don't often understand them. Maybe it has more to do with my not really getting poetic prose in highschool either. :P And then I was gonna say, maybe it's an MK thing--like alot of other things in life that go over my head--but that can't be right since you're an MK also.... ??? So I'm not sure what's the reference to knitting & the Tale of Two Cities (but of course I never read the story).