Your last paragraph is painful to read, but very true, Aussie.
I have been told that people with NTM who are involved in the MK abuse response do not plan to post here. Several of us have tried to goad them into doing so, but I don't think they will. They don't even all read here consistently. I think this is very unfortunate.
I also don't think Pat Hendrix reads here. When I contacted her a few days ago, she didn't even know the NTM website had changed. I think she focuses on doing the job she was hired to do, and aside from that, it doesn't appear to me that she is particularly curious about any of us, what we think, what we are ranting about, how many of us have chainsaws, or anything else.
She is just doing her job.
All of these people would encourage you to e-mail them directly if you have any questions. But they won't be coming here, into the ring.
No, I don't think so.