The lovely Mrs Bemused has had a word and told the humbled Bemused that Red carding oneself and stomping of the field is not good sportsmanship and to get my sorry little posterior maximus back on the field, just take it easy on calling the other side names! She even said, "some people might even be missing you're weird style of playing" and who am I to argue with the lovely Mrs Bemused!
So I shall restrain myself and delve into something non controversial, U.S. politics (note from Mrs Bemused at this point, he's lost the plot completely and she takes no responsibility at what will be thrown at Bemused by the end of this saga).
On Sept 11th 2001, some people really angry at some other people flew airplanes into the symbols of a mighty nation. It was an act designed to intimidate, kill, maim and injure. It was pure hatred and malice. The world watched, as I did, the events unfolding on the Television. Many of us thought that this was the beginning of World War III.
And what did the American public do. Cried yes, mourned their losses, then just said "oh well it happened, lets forgive and forget, they must have their own issues to deal with". The U.S. govt pretended it didn't happen, then admitted it did, but it wasn't really a major problem . . . Of course not. Americans didn't take this act of terrorism lying down, they moved heaven and earth to find out who did these foul deeds. Troops gave their lives to get the culprits, to root out the hotbeds of evil where these perpetrators of terror were lying low.
Then the debate began, what to do with the remains of the Twin Towers. Some wanted a monument of rubble, others to build even bigger, even stronger as a symbol of hope and to show the world that a great nation had taken a hit, but was back on its feet again.
By this stage anyone reading this has probably worked out the analagy. Many of us have had the very foundations of our lives made into rubble by evil people, and the rebuild looks impossible at times. But what it takes is intestinal fortitude, determination, a lot of help from ones friends and focus.
It took ten years or so to get the biggest culprit, Bin Laden, but eventually he was caught and dealt with. The offenders we have had crashing into our lives need to be brought to justice too, sometimes it is just a matter of determination and pointing the right people in the right direction to make it happen.
The American people mourned for those that they lost and the insult to their sovreignity, but then they moved heaven and earth, got those responsible and rebuilt a tower even bigger than the original. We all need to do the same, together one step at a time.