@Gene. I agree, this situation for them seems to be reaching the state of desperation in regards to the trial of Jane Doe #7 actually making it to a court of law. I think the last quote says it all, especially the last phrase, "fingers crossed". Since when has the crossing of fingers, (superstition) become a force worthy of invoking in NTM's philosophy of ministry. Why not rather steal a few lessons from the witch doctors and shamans they have so tirelessly preached against for the last half century. Point is, this situation has clearly brought out the true side of NTM and its obvious that they are not in a spiritual frame of mind.
I believe all your requests of change within NTM is valid, and honestly in my opinion still not enough(I won't elaborate here), but I would contend that regardless if all those changes were made, in the end, the mentality of NTM is so screwed up in regards to doctrine and the carrying out of the great commission that there would still be too many negative effects for them as a ministry to continue existing.
NTM needs to come to the place, hopefully before the courts force this on them, to admit that they as an organization are systemically flawed and need to shut down. Invoking God's will or putting this off on Him, like you said Gene, is a slap in His face when all they have done is twisted the truth and tried to hide the facts for facesaving sake. Your dead on,this is not God's mess to clean up, its theirs and my guess is they would rather go down with the ship and claim maryterdom then clean the decks and tidy up the ships rigging.