When I first discovered Fanda eagles, I felt "Finally, people who admit the truth!" I hoped that some of the posters who have now left, like OT, would eventually be helpful to my husband. But they left.
So now I only drop by here sporadically. Because in between the posts of people who seem to understand that the entire missionary boarding school experience is in its very nature abusive to small children, in between the posts of people who have given up religious posturing for good after being grieviously wounded by it, are other posts. Posts still spouting trite religious advice and advocating that the only thing wrong with NTM was the pedophiles themselves.
I disagree.
I think evangelical tribal missions creates pedophiles and child abusers. The system itself is irredeemable. I don't believe it is called by God or even approved by him. It humiliates, hurts and abuses pretty much everyone involved, including tribal peoples in many cases. My in-laws still call the people they worked among savages. You don't call people you love by such labels. Elizabeth Elliot and her ilk are just self-righteous egomaniacs wanting to be considered heroic. They don't love. Christianity without any real love is their religion, so it's what they sell and promote. I believe it's an affront to the Lord Jesus Christ, and is an example of Matthew 23:15.
If it were God-ordained, it would be based on the idea that God loves each person with an everlasting love, and each person (including children) were precious to Him. Children would never be "in the way." Only people free from other relational obligations (singles, empty nesters) would be allowed to go off into the jungle for years, and only those who actually LOVED the tribal peoples would get to even apply.
Tribal missions rarely works, because it is rare that the missionaries truly love God or people. They love religion and want to be heroes; that's what they are hoping for- the praise of men. If they loved God, they would listen to Him. If they were listening to Him, they would never leave their children in boarding school.
I got a missionary letter from an old friend last month. Her husband is just now getting out of DTS (same as my father-in-law) and they have been home schooling in the states while training for seven years. She crows about being a leader in the Classical Conversation home school group here in the states, and the five children she has popped out during those seven training years. (Pause for applause from the evangelical community to die down.) Yet when they go to Jordan this year, those children will no longer be home schooled. She is bragging pre-emptively about how they will thrive in boarding school, while she and her husband do the really important work. Not loving or parenting, but the really important stuff.
You know, trying to change people's beliefs.
Because you know she's going to tell her little six year old son, that Jesus will burn the Muslims in hell if she doesn't abandon him in boarding school. Jesus loves him too, and that's why he needs to be a good little boy and just be okay with being abandoned. Oh, and he should make her proud by the way he bears up under that hardship, because after all, this God (who loves us all so much that he will roast most of us in hell for all eternity) is always watching.
Bitter? Yes, and for good reason. Anyone still selling this crap should be publicly repudiated by all society, and I am thinking about writing the government of Jordan with names and addresses as soon as I get the first prayer letter.
Stop pretending you love God while abusing and neglecting children. No one is buying what you're selling.