My Dear Raz,
Porn magazines are the biggest seller in the world, yet how many people do we know who reads them, well admits to reading them?
So my point is Fanda Eagles is similar for "Tribers" and "exTribers", you sneak a peak, but you don't admit it.
Can I prove my theory. When someone e-mails you and asks, "are you Bemused?" it's a reasonable assumption that they are reading this and knowing what I know of NTM Downunder, most of those with computer access will be keeping a close eye on what is going on, they just won't admit it. After all if one admitted that one knew about what was being one discussed, the next question is "well why aren't you doing something about it?" and that is not a question some people want to answer.
The only trouble with my theory is, if it is correct, you'd better hope I'm not the centrefold, warts and all I ain't that good a look
Oh and about the schools. Numonohi is the PNG school, the last two mentioned I can't place.