This is quite a revelation. My parents did something similar, cut out pictures of missionaries and put them on cards and we had to draw them out. But cute boys didn't do much for me.
You didn't by any chance notice a card with a family of five, a blondish kid looking slightly bemused with it all? That would have been me, ah ha, you did notice that one and that was the one you gave to someone else, well that explains a few things! Well I might be in luck, my sisters got the looks department, so maybe your brother interceded for them?
I of course did pray for the single missionaries, that they would find Mr Right and that his first name wouldn't be Always.
I am pretty sure my parents still have that prayer card box. If we were on speaking terms I could pop round and see if your card is there for you. Would you like me to get one of my sisters to pop round and put it at the front of the pile for you, or send it back as a well thumbed souvenier from Downunder?