I do like the way that we seem to have slightly different points of view, but that we work as a team and respect each others views. It is a refreshing change from what many of us grew up with no doubt. Numonohi (the Papau New Guinea Boarding school) seems to have had much in common with Tambo, it to came to be the dumping ground for the left over missionaries. My fathers only job prior to joining NTM was as a travel agent, not exactly a lot of use in the situation he found himself in. One would have to admire him for trying all the jobs he was given, it was quite an impressive list. Dorm parent for the severly screwed up MKs that no one else wanted (totally wrong person), base mechanic (previous experience he rode a bike!), the mission book keeper (now this one he was good at, but he annoyed the field committee by speaking his version of the truth and as his office was next to the field chairmans . . . ),tribal worker (he didn't pass langauge school for a reason, but by this stage the field committee just wanted to get rid of him) and finally supply officer about as far away from the field committe as he could be sent (which he was good at, but he screwed this up when he spoke out about the thieves who were also in the supply department and they vowed to make life hell for him and they did, so that was the end of him in NTM). And that is just one case of inappropriate people ending up in inappropriate jobs, there were many others.
As for naming paedophiles, let us proceed with caution, but let us proceed.