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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:25 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:04 am 
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Joined: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:10 pm
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There may be more choices than you think. . .

Please remember that NTM is legally registered as a "church." The leaders of this church function as members' pastors/ ministers/ elders. As such, they are legally bound not just by ethical considerations but legal ones as well.

Divulging private, personal information about their flock to third parties without express permission may leave the open to an invasion of privacy suit. Or, maybe clergy abuse, outrage or defamation (if the information given cannot be proven to be true).

Former members (or current members) of NTM may be unsure whether or not they can press civil charges in their own particular case, since every case is going to differ. Here is what you can do: Contact the law firm on the first page of this topic and consult with the experts.

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:43 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:13 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:11 am 
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Joined: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:10 pm
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Do not even think about going it alone against NTM....

They are experienced, determined and capable. They have issued more one way tickets for Guilt Trips than most of us can even imagine. They are masters of sincerity, whether they mean it or not. They are manipulators. And... most importantly.... they are NOT going it alone against you!

They have hired other experts to help them. They have been getting good advice, and heeding it. Have you noticed that Tibby and Andy have quit posting? Even the "spontaneous" phone calls to parents of victims by Larry Brown have ceased. No more tearful apologies. Chances are he's not putting in any more 80 hour weeks agonizing over this issue, either. He's passed the ball to others, who are being paid to agonize, and strategize, on his behalf. And they know what they are doing.

NTM is not advocating for you. Yes, they want to "solve" the problems that you present to them, but they are not at all committed to solving it in your favor. Whenever you talk to a representative of NTM, you are not dealing with a single individual; you are dealing with an entire team of people who are intent on winning. You come not knowing what to expect, not knowing what you can/ should/ dare ask for. They come with an entire prioritized list already, and a complete set of "reasonable" offers and explanations. You have no idea what they have done with, for or to others. They know, and they know how they managed to do it.

In a word, you (by which I include myself) are no match for NTM.

If you are in any degree willing to deal with them, be sure to get expert help before doing so. If you are already talking to them, stop now, and get some expert help. Get help from people who have helped others, who have a stake in YOUR winning, not just in getting you to walk away and leave NTM alone. Even if you would prefer NOT to file a civil suit against NTM, by all means, by ANY means, discuss your options and strategy with an experienced legal adviser. Do not hesitate to contact the firm mentioned on the first post in this thread. They want YOU to win, and they can help you do it.

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:23 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:51 pm 
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We will never know the details of the settlement between Jane Doe 7 and NTM. We don't need to; we only know that she is satisfied with the outcome. At the same time we do, however, know a number of things that should be reviewed at this time.

1. NTM was very, very concerned about Jane. They wanted her to "heal" and "forgive" and "move on." They were dreadfully sorry about what had happened to her many years ago when there was a whole different set of leaders, for whose actions it really isn't fair to hold the present leadership responsible. Period. That's how they wanted to deal with it.

2. Jane made no progress in her dealings with NTM until a law suit was filed. To repeat: NO PROGRESS.

3. No investigation was required for Jane's case to come to what NTM calls an "amicable" resolution. GRACE didn't investigate, Pat Hendrix didn't have to assemble a team, no one had to do anything. And, why should there be any investigation? Everyone knows what happened, who was involved and who did and didn't do what.

4. Jane had professional help in dealing with NTM. Whatever the final settlement was, it is a far cut above what she would have got on her own, going to NTM and sitting down with the syrupy nice people there. Jane is clearly a tough person, but she is no match at all for NTM. She may not have walked away with the keys to the kingdom, but she wouldn't have got the dust off their feet had she not had the able assistance of an experienced attorney.

5. At some point, Jane realized that NTM was not on her side; they are on their own side. It could never be otherwise, and it is foolish to assume otherwise. It is proper that NTM is on NTM's side. But, that makes them an adversary, not a collaborator. When Jane asked NTM to do some specific things to help her... they said, "Have your lawyer call our lawyer." She did.

6. NTM drug out the law suit as long as they could. They made life miserable for Jane, even though she was not the one who had to deal directly with NTM. Still, Jane's law suit was settled out of court before the investigations of the other schools have even begun.

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 1:33 pm 
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