Thank you to those who have sent Personal Messages offering to talk to the journalist when the time comes. What I have done is made a folder and put these in.
To those of you still considering assisting, just when you are ready, I'll look forward to hearing from you. I don't need your name or any details, just something along the line of "Please add me to the list of those willing to help". We can reach you if we need to via this site, which of course maintains your incognito status.
If you are to scared to say anything, that is o.k., perhaps in time you can reach the point others have to bravely speak out. You are welcome to let me know how you feel.
If however you are not interested, or think it's to hard or someone elses problem and just on this site for other reasons, we from downunder who are putting a lot of time and effort into this ask you why?