What I'd like to see happen in the end, is proably an unrealistic expectation. In a perfect world, I'd have liked it to not have happended in the first place, but that is impossible. So in a slightly less than perfect world, I'd like to have a complete and sincere apology with genuine remorse and a nice dollop of financial compensation. But as my ever wise other half says, even if there was a court case and I/we won, have you ever noticed outside a headline trial when the defendants are gathered outside and interviewed about how they feel when "guilty" is handed down, they usually say "but it won't right the wrong" or "there was no remorse". And I think NTM will be the same. There won't be any genuine sorry from the abusers or those that covered it up for so long. They will be genuinely sorry that they were exposed so publicly and that it might cost a bit of cash (we are talking an organisation who had an income of over 60 million in 2007), but in their minds they will justify it as another trial sent by their god to test their faith. Would I like the guilty party to suffer, as I did? I wouldn't wish it upon them, for then I would be stooping to their level and I don't need to do that. If one believes in Karma, many of the guilty have got what they deserve, if you've managed to catch up with how their lives turned out. The one person I would really like to get a heartfelt apology from shares the same genetic soup. For 40 years his hearts desire has been for me to follow in his footsteps, and to this end he has done everything possible to achieve this goal, by means fair or foul. Am I ever going to get any form of reconciliation, I'm not counting my chickens on that one, for despite the truth now being blatantly obvious, he'll never see it. And will I ever follow in his footsteps, no, because I know where those footsteps have been and what and who they stood on. Despite sharing the same genetic soup, we are totally different and for that I am most grateful.