We have a not so lovely little dog that you could have. Alas last night he committed the unpardonable sin of trying to murder the neighbours rabbit.
I remembered my NTM past and thought "do I pretend it never happened" or do I tell the rabbit "it's your fault, you shouldn't have been in your cage safe and secure".
Then I thought about how the neighbours felt and thought "oh well, best do the right thing, so have apologised on behalf of my errant Terrier and invested in a peace offering of a box of chocolates.
I am happy to report that the rabbit is alive and well this morning, not showing any signs of distress, the neighbours are enjoying the box of chocolates and the space under the fence that only "Hounduni" could get through, is now no longer existant.
I'm not one to blow my own trumpet, but I think the matter was handled well and NTM could learn from my method of dealing with such
