I love my teen daughters' perspectives of me and my behaviors they find - well.... let's say, "amusing."

Things I don't even think twice about, now that I'm at the ripe old age of 44 and am past the point of really caring what the grocery store cart guy thinks of me.
A few years ago, the running joke with them was that anyone I met anywhere, whether I knew them or not- if this person had a sad story to tell or a hangnail, I'd offer them a meal. "Would you like some meals" became my daughters way of poking fun at me and a standard phrase they used when they thought I was doing something overly-hospitable (if there can be such a thing).
I'm also apparently a real riot (not) to watch a movie with, especially one with lots of characters and a fast-moving plot. I have some significant face-blindness, so if there is more than one male character with dark hair, I have to constantly ask who is who. I'm also pretty literal (think Dr. Brennan of Bones toned down), so I spend the movie asking who-is-who and "Did they REALLY mean they are going to blow up the place when they say, 'Let's blow this joint'"? OK, not quite so bad, but you get the point. Thankfully, my oldest daughter puts up with me and since I am the only one who really likes her taste of movies and shows, she makes the effort to keep me happy and informed.
Great thread! I love laughing at myself (usually) and others funny stories.