After I pressed criminal libel charges against NTM, they wanted me to use binding arbitration instead of the courts.
Some pertinent points, that will surprise no one who is familiar with these forums:
1. "This is just between us; no need to involve the authorities." Right. Criminal behavior is to be handled in house.
2. "Scott Ross will be the referee." Right. We know we can trust NTM to be impartial in any dispute involving NTM.
3. "If either party does not abide by the terms of the final arbitration agreement, it can be enforced by a court in Florida." Um.... I thought we were against using the courts? If courts are OK in the case of a broken civil agreement, let's just go ahead and use them in a criminal case!
4. NTM wanted only one thing: To keep out of court. Anything that is that unattractive to them is certainly worth a second look by anyone who has a legitimate complaint against them.