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PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:20 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:07 pm
Posts: 62
Quoted from "Gleanings" on page 12 of Dec 2010 Christianity Today.
"Leaders of the Presbyterian Church (USA) apologized to 30 victims of sexual or physical abuse in the denomination's overseas mission programs, as revealed in the 546-page report released in October. The denomination as been investigating the matter since 2004. Much of the abuse happened at schools for children of missionaries. "I ask you to pray for truth, justice, and healing, both for those who were abused and for those who abused," said PC(USA) world mission director Hunter Farrell.
My stream of thought after reading this...
1. MK boarding schools around the world are boot camps that train pedophiles.
2. 546 page report? as compared to the much smaller Fanda report...not sure what that means
3. Investigation started in 2004 and just published in October 2010?...yet another argument for need for outside accountability.
4. There were only 30? The other 85 percent are still in hiding, shame, suicidal or dead...

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:07 am 
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Joined: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:10 pm
Posts: 868
The report about the PC (USA) sexual abuse is available at this link:

Read and weep.

My observations on your observations:

1. You seem to have said it well. Considering the long and sordid history of these sorts of things, it would be amazing if there is nothing going on today. . . This adds urgency to the demand of many victims that steps be taken to prevent and deal swiftly with any current/ future incidents.

2. One reason the report was so long is that it dealt with many and various fields of service (I use the term "service" with some hesitation).

3. If you download and read the first part of the report, you will see that, although there were only a few "authors" of the report, there were a lot of people involved in making it. Among these people was Patricia "Pat" Hendrix, who was at that time the Sexual Misconduct Ombudsperson for the PC (USA). I understand that Ms Hendrix has now been retained by NTM to oversee the investigation of sexual abuse in NTM schools.

In any case, this was a long and involved process, covering schools in ten different countries. Without a massive commitment of manpower, it's unlikely that it could have been done in any shorter a period of time. (The obvious answer to that is, I know, that massive manpower needs to be committed. I don't get to make those decisions, but interested parties may want to contact those who do.)

4. I have only read the Thailand section in detail; it dealt with the time frame from 1956-1976. That is a long time ago, in terms of life expectancy. A number of the perpetrators are dead, and were dead by the time the final report was issued. Likely many victims are/ were, also. Statistics verify your guess that other victims will not come forward, for whatever reasons.

This is going to take a while. . .

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