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 Post subject: MK Fund
PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:27 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:36 am
Posts: 14

My idea is to try to set up a regular donation to an MK Fund, showing personal and collective repentance and responsiblity for MK abuse, as is needful, based on NTM-Canada's repentance and per the recommendation of the Fanda report and per the principle that “money speaks volumes”.

I have embarked on such a journey for NTM-Canada and in this post I will attempt to begin a journal of this my journey toward a MK Fund for NTM-Canada. All suggestions welcome.

[This idea could be expanded to:
For each NTM sending country
New Zealand

Would we have a volunteer who would offer to shake up the comfortable status quo state of NTM leadership in each of NTM's sending countries?]

On Nov 09, 2010, I mailed in the NTM-Canada EFT application form available at http://canada.ntm.org/give/bank.php (“An Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) arrangement is an efficient and cost-effective way to provide ongoing support to a ministry”) http://canada.ntm.org/give/documents/EFTApplicationForm.pdf and included a designated amount for the MK Fund (not much, just the same amount that the finance office had suggested way back when that would be necessary to offset the expenses of each donor, in this case, Canadian $15 per month, which amount I was also separately donating to NTM Canada general funds to offset my expense as an [returning] donor [just re-starting to donate on a regular basis to my mother at NTM Homes, and my son who is an associate and my daughter who is in training.]

The response via a letter I received back, dated Nov 16, indicated the letter writer had no personal grief-based connection to the abused, nor to the Fanda report, nor to this Fanda Eagles web site, and that no such fund is currently available for NTM-Canada donors.

While today is a Thanksgiving holiday in USA, we Canadians had ours on the “Second Monday in October” and, today being the normal day it is for us, I made time to phone and speak with that person (and I was warned that forwarding the funds to the NTM-USA MK Fund would not be tax-receipt-able). But nevertheless I firmly suggested NTM-Canada consider setting up an MK Fund as soon as possible, and to just forward the funds to the NTM-USA MK Fund until then (and tried to swallow my wounded pride and anger, but it might have showed just a bit in my tone of voice).

Then, per chance, I decide to follow up my conversation with an email, which I will now pasted below (and somewhat shorten some of the lengthy quoted material), as a possible idea or help to others who may want to aid me on my journey or even starts their own in perhaps other of the 10+ other NTM sending countries to try something similar in your country and, if you dare, perhaps even journal the responses you get on your journey, perhaps here on this Fanda Eagles site (although I imagine that each country would have very country-specific ways to do something even vaguely similar to the steps I am taking toward an NTM-Canada MK Fund).

Here is my email response today, to the person who had previously written on Nov. 16, saying NTM-Canada could not accept my MK Fund donation, but thanking me for the other donations, and after I had talked with him today and showed frustration that he seemed to want no connection with the NTM-USA MK Fund, Fanda report (and by implication, with abused MKs):

date Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:37 PM
subject NTMC MK

Hi ___,

Suggested two-fold purpose for an NTMC MK Fund:
(A) Identify past, present and future NTMC abusers and any enablers and safely transition them from accountability only to NTMC into better accountability to appropriate outside authorities, institutions and or organizations (who may specialize in such accountability, including safety and prevention), and
(B) Support those who were abused as needed, and as per outside, independent expert advise.
(C) This fund shall NOT support active, annual, etc., abuse safety and prevention activities required by all NTMC adults and kids.

Your brother in Christ,

Please review again the Fanda Report, some of it copied below, and please read "NTMC" when you see "NTM" and, its ok to feel hurt, loss and sorrow (good grief leads to repentance)

[Please do not feel shy about fowarding this email on to each person in the leadership of NTMC (I would but I do not know who they are and there does not seem to be readily available information on this let alone accountablity to non-NTMC interested parties about who are NTMC's leaders, including its board of directors)]

Fanda report partial quote:

Second, we reject as contrary to Scripture and plain reason the suggestion we have received from some that no action is necessary, that true forgiveness requires silence and feigned forgetfulness. Christian love demands more than this. If the love of Christ is in us, then that love will overflow for the wounded bodies and souls of the children of Fanda. If Christ is alive, and His love is present at any level at New Tribes Mission, then surely NTM realizes the urgency of doing all that it can to help those it has wronged and to take every action possible to prevent future abuse. Satan thrives on silence and passivity as he slithers through Christian institutions such as Fanda. We have seen what the devil does with silence and inaction and we reject it as the sin that it is.

Third, those placed in a position of trust over children, particularly those acting in the name of Christ, bear great responsibility for their conduct and must be held to an extremely high standard. Those who abused the children at Fanda, those who created an environment where abuse was predictable, and those who failed to help even when the evidence of abuse was overwhelming must recognize the damage that was inflicted, and will continue to be inflicted, if there are no earthly consequences for what they did and for what they failed to do.343 If the sinful conduct of Moses justified his removal from the Promised Land, it is reasonable for New Tribes Mission to distance its name, and the greater name of Christ, from those who soiled both church and children. We realize that some of the crimes and sins committed at Fanda were long ago and that the men and women responsible are now old. As a result, there is a great temptation to view those responsible as harmless and, in their present condition, they may be. However, for the survivors of Fanda, these men and women are forever young and the sexual, physical and emotional abuse they inflicted is present in their daily lives. Because the pain is ongoing, GRACE has chosen to see the perpetrators and enablers as they were 20 years ago, and we recommend the actions that should have been taken long ago.

Footnote 343
The conduct of NTM employees and administrators falls into three categories. First, the child abuse inflicted on numerous children at Fanda was malicious, willful and, in many instances, is criminal behavior warranting penal consequences. Although it is not within our power to prosecute these criminal actions, our harshest recommendations are reserved for those who committed these offenses. Second, some NTM personnel engaged in gross negligence. These individuals were confronted with unequivocal evidence of offenses being committed at Fanda and took no meaningful action. Third, some NTM personnel were negligent in their lack of oversight of the school, their failure to properly train and evaluate employees, and their failure to conduct competent abuse investigations. GRACE has three general recommendations and, from each of these recommendations, we have numerous specific recommendations. Many of these recommendations are focused not on a moment in history so much as eternity. As long as this world endures, the lessons of Fanda must never be forgotten, and New Tribes Mission must be forever vigilant to ensure that the history of Fanda is never repeated.

1. New Tribes Mission must demonstrate repentance for the sins committed at the Fanda boarding school.

Repentance is a genuine desire to repair the damage caused by sin and to avoid at all costs its repetition. Only God knows for certain if the repentance of a man or woman, or even an institution is genuine. The only earthly indication of repentance is found in the response of a sinner to his sin. Although NTM may choose to do more than what we have recommended, the following actions would suggest to GRACE, and hopefully the victims of Fanda, a move toward repentance.

Personal Contact Repentance
NTM shall make personal contact with every known survivor of abuse at Fanda that does not attend the Repentance Retreat. NTM shall acknowledge its responsibility and repentance for the sins at Fanda and its failed response for such. NTM shall also inform these MKs about the MK Fund and its availability.

Past Abuse Associated With Other NTM Operated Boarding Schools
Throughout the course of this investigation, GRACE was approached my numerous individuals who disclosed that they had also been victims of sexual, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse while attending one of the other NTM operated boarding schools (see footnote 8). Furthermore, New Tribes has acknowledged that there were between 80-­-90 NTM child abuse allegations worldwide at the time Scott Ross became in-­-house counsel for NTM (see footnote 339). GRACE recommends that NTM take thorough measures to insure that all other boarding school abuse matters are investigated

NTM--MK Communications
Many of the MKs and their parents are distrustful of NTM and are reluctant to speak with any particular NTM designee. Although this is understandable, there must be in place a channel for communication. Accordingly, we suggest that NTM immediately work with the Fanda MKs to designate one or two NTM members who will have exclusive authority to communicate with the MKs relating to any and all issues relating to Fanda. These selected members must satisfy education and training criteria related to child abuse as designated by GRACE and these selected members must have had no direct involvement with the sins related to Fanda.

MK Fund
Many of the MKs and their parents suffer medical and mental health conditions directly related to their abuse at Fanda. Many of the children of these MKs have also suffered by seeing the pain of their parents. NTM must recognize that its sins have, in many instances, impacted the lives of at least three generations. Accordingly, NTM shall set aside a perpetually standing fund of $1 million for any New Tribes Mission MK, MK parent, or MK’s child, for the payment of any out of pocket expense related to past, present, and/or future assistance obtained as a result of harm endured at any NTM operated boarding school. Such assistance includes, but is not limited to, mental health counseling and treatment, medical treatment, and medications. The claimed expenses must be accompanied by supporting documentation. GRACE shall work with representatives of both NTM and the Fanda MKs, to develop other mutually agreeable criteria for the MK Fund.

GRACE recognizes that the victims of Fanda may be entitled to additional compensation that is recognized by courts of law and is beyond out of pocket expenses. Since GRACE is not qualified to be an arbiter of all such possible claims, GRACE recommends that all non-­-expense related claims regarding the abuse inflicted at Fanda be addressed through a binding arbitration process. The general criteria for such arbitration shall be that:
- NTM shall pay the costs associated with arbitration. This does not include attorney fees.
- The arbitrator shall be mutually agreed upon by all parties.
- Arbitration must be the exclusive forum for the determination of these claims (i.e., one cannot select court and then subsequently elect arbitration).
- If arbitration is elected, NTM shall agree to waive all statute of limitation defenses.
- GRACE shall work with representatives of both NTM and the Fanda MKs to develop other mutually agreeable criteria for such arbitration.

Jesus asked the Father's forgiveness for those who "knew not what they did." This same standard was applied again later, in the book of Acts. Who was involved in these incidents, and what did they not know? If we advocate applying this principle to the general topic of abuse, are we saying that the perpetrators did not know what they were doing when they violated little kids' innocence, broke their spirits, undermined their faith? Did the past leadership of NTM not know what they were doing when they covered up these crimes? Does the present leadership of NTM not know what they are doing by their deafening silence, their callous disregard for the victims and their inattention to justice?

down and out Post subject: Re: Picky, picky, picky: A thread for theological pedantsPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:26 am

I was only asking the questions..only God knows the answers. I can think of nothing to say that would take away the recurring pain and all that goes with it that so many of us have had to endure...there are so many days I've lost to simply fight with all my might the voice that comes and says "Just end it all...you and your miserable life are worthless!" The feeling that accompanies this is absolutely brutal. So instead of being productive, I can only hang on...The betrayal and hurt we suffered is indescribable. I've learned to say, Thanks foul evil spirit because the more you make yourself evident, the more I am convinced My Saviour is alive and only waiting to finally dispose of you once and for all. When I forgive...over and over again..and I bite back on my bile and pray for my enemies the way the Bible says to do...I once again find peace. I've made some decent money and I've been appallingly poor...It makes no difference. I will rely only on God to deliver me. Guys like Jim Fenimore spreading his tripe about how we were a sin away from losing our salvation and how we were sinning to wear less than our best clothes! Guys like Mr Pitt who took it upon himself to tell us we were not saved because he could see no fruit! How do you pray for them? That they will live long enough to learn of grace? Or do I follow their example and pray for their faillure? As you can see...I'm not too great at this forgiveness thing...but I know I have to do it! Maybe it was hard to see much fruit in some of us because we were HURTING!!! I'm not giving up. The only peace I have is in a total commitment to follow Jesus..even if it kills every bit of my pride. So be it...thanks for listening and I just want to say, disagreements and all..this is the first real sense of community I've had since I left Bolivia all those years ago..May God bless all of you...every one!

mahalko Post subject: Re: NTM's "well advised" course of actionPosted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:47 pm

Joined: Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:25 am
Posts: 90
Location: Canton, New York Tibby finally replied. More sincere apologies. She is suggesting that they are going to deliver another handwritten letter to local authorities in his jurisdiction. Whooptie-Doo. What good will a hand written letter do to someone who can not prosecute him? They have a whole file on him filled with his confessions! TURN THE FILE OVER TO THE PHILIPPINE AUTHORITIES! A Hand written letter may suffice to give to his church or any nearby school, but for NTM to give that to Local Law enforcement is just for show! CRUMBS!
Then she states "all potential assistance and actions by NTM will need to be evaluated by our legal counsel and our team" ... Why? Are they former prosecutors? They are CORPORATE Lawyers! So, Corporate Lawyers will have the final say in deciding what information that NTM can give out to law enforcement. That's really tight NTM, and I'm sure that will help a lot, having every ounce of the initial investigation filtered! What is really your intent here, self preservation of the Corporation or Putting Les Emory behind bars? Give Them The File!
They just don't seem to acknowledge any urgency in this at all. I wonder if they realize that a sex offender of this magnitude has an average of 80 victims in a lifetime. There were 23 known victims in Aritao. That leaves 57 potential lives destroyed. Just think how many potential victims could have been saved if NTM had made their initial investigation available to the Authorities back in 1993. He's not even listed on ONE SINGLE SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION LIST ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD! If there was even ONE more victim, it is on their conscience.
Then I was thrown a line of total crap. She stated "Any attempts by him to contact victims by email or phone after his return to the U.S constitute criminal action and thus offer additional recourse within the criminal justice system." That statement is completely false. It WOULD be true if there had been a "No Contact Order" (Restraining Order) issued and signed by a Judge. That is not the case. He is free to contact anyone he wants. Legally. Thank You for that one also, NTM. Good Job.
Steaming... Literally.

November 20th, 2010 at 20:03 | #1
Reading the comments on this site, especially the anonymous ones, I wonder if it is someone I know, or one of my siblings, or someone stole my story and put it on here because they are so similar to what I experienced and many of my friends and my siblings, right down to the worms in the hot cereal. Just reading this site over the past year has created a major crisis in my life because it has taken me so long to realized that the things that happened to me were NOT OK! I somehow thought it was normal and we should have been grateful for the life we had. Then, all of this, combined with my children reaching the age when I was at the dorm and it’s all hit me like a ton of bricks. As I see them grow and learn and how much I still do for them and how emotionally intertwined our lives are and I compare to what I experienced, for the first time in my life I see what I missed. So it’s been a year of flashbacks and grieving and I think I’m getting through it. But I really want this to stop. It’s obvious that, even for those of us who were not sexually abused by dorm parents, the dorm was a very abusive situation. I don’t ever want any MK to have deal with this again. I’m not sure exactly what the answer is but something’s got to change!

Basic Facts about Collusion
[cut and paste quote omitted]
Collusion--Just a Symptom
[cut and paste quote omitted]
[cut and paste quote omitted]
Beyond the Facts
[cut and paste quote omitted]

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