For me, this has been a great place to get started, but not a great place to progress. I've been pursuing other avenues for dealing with what I feel are my own unique experiences/scar tissue. I am still in contact with the people who I want to be in contact with. As for the others, I have become much more okay lately with burning/demolishing bridges that I see as useless to me. That part of it is taking place in other venues, however.
I do wonder, however, if more can be done to raise awareness/get people started. I know of people who took a quick peek months ago and then couldn't handle the emotions that it raised, so they went on their way. For some, it takes time. I know I wouldn't have been ready for my own journey to be where it is at now even two years ago. And I know that five, ten years from now it will be at a place that I would not be ready for today.
That being said, if you're reading and standing on the edge, come on in! Yes, the water is cold; yes, the jump is scary; yes, someone's opinion of you will change (maybe a lot of people); yes, you will feel things you've never been allowed to feel before, and those feelings will scare you; yes, you will have to hit back at someone who has always beat you down; yes, there will be days where it will be difficult to focus on the simplest of tasks; yes, you will experience sleepless nights; yes, you will have to suck back your ego and fumble your way into a therapist's office.
Is your current alternative of paralytic stagnation better?
Trust me, if I can do it, anybody can do it. Your journey will be unique to you, but there are others to ride the river with you. Come on in!