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MK forum :: View topic - What are you wanting to see happen in the end?
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What are you wanting to see happen in the end?
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Author:  Yunker [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  What are you wanting to see happen in the end?

The more and more I read here, I would really like to know what the common goal is and what most would like to see happen with NTM, not only past abusers, but also ones currently in the mission. Are you looking for healing? Are you here just to vent and leave it at that? Are you one of few that are building legal cases? If you could have one action against NTM what would you like it to be? Do you think GRACE should really be the one making the recommendations and not the abused MK’s?

Just some things to think about, as you and I know, NTM is watching all this. I saw it happen before on a forum such as this. We could have had some real change but once that guilt of going, “well damn, I did have that one good time I guess it wasn’t all that bad” then the forward momentum starts to erode away. It’s a classic effect of abuse.

Also, for anyone that wants to take up a legal case all those “good times” can be brought right back out and thrown in victim’s faces as evidence that it wasn’t as bad as some say. Again, not saying there haven’t been good times but you really need to plan all this out very carefully.

Kyle J Yunker

Author:  Memories [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you wanting to see happen in the end?

Author:  publius [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you wanting to see happen in the end?

I agree with "memories" and in one post someone writing under the pseudonym of "ViaWings" posted some items that we MKs would like to see happen. I fully subscribe to that list, as well. I know some of those who suffered physical and/or sexual abuse personally; for many of them, all they desire is acknowledgment of what happene--call the sin for what it was; deal with any remaining sex offenders there; change the authoritarian, autocratic culture which bred such monsters and afforded lack of transparency; create a financial fund to help pay for the years of counseling many will have to undergo, (reimburse those who've already paid for counseling as the result of their years of abuse); and perhaps, most of all, treasure MKs as just as important (if not more so) as the work the parents (or the mission organization) is doing.

Author:  sunshine [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you wanting to see happen in the end?

ditto memories and publius

Author:  JerryB [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you wanting to see happen in the end?

Author:  Yunker [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you wanting to see happen in the end?

Author:  sonnet [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you wanting to see happen in the end?

Author:  Memories [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you wanting to see happen in the end?


I like that Yunker. my ma and papa were ntm taught to think 1 way. the word was most important. not me. not my siblings. my little sister died of malaria. ma and papa was out reading the bible to sick. my sister and I cared for joanie best we could. we was only 6 and 8. I cried to god help us. told joanie god would help. when she stopped breathing I thought I was bad for telling cindy uncle bill touched me that day. never told any one a thing again. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:[/quote]

Oh Sonnet, I read this and my heart broke. What anguish. What responsibility to put on a child. What sad, painful memories. I'm at a loss for words. Just know that we care and you shouldn't ever had to have that responsibility. Ever!

Author:  Yunker [ Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you wanting to see happen in the end?

Please disregard this post. was in no way trying to make people see things my way or trolling.

Thank you

Author:  Gene Long [ Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you wanting to see happen in the end?

Yunker and Sonnet: A lot of people already think the way you do, and this forum gives everyone a chance to share their thoughts, opinions, burdens and experiences. That is not the same thing as forcing one's opinions onto others. I hope you will continue to post, read, think. . . . You are important to getting the full picture.

I will now do what I am telling YOU to do; please read my post carefully, lest you misunderstand me. Sonnet, your folks are right in thinking the Word is the most important thing. However ,the Word has a great deal to say about a lot of subjects besides going to the ends of the earth with the Gospel, as important as that is.

Husbands, love your wives. Masters, treat your servants with fairness. Do not frustrate your children. Love one another.

It's a long list, and one that was (and still is?) ignored in and out of missionary circles. I have said many times that one of the main underlying causes of the problems this forum addresses is bad theolgy. Bad theology is often mixed with good theology, making it difficult to sort out the mess, easy for peope to be led astray.

JerryB has managed to strike a good balance when he suggests "The children of missionaries must be considered an integral part of the missionaries' ministry and must be treated with the same dignity and respect as their parents." It is so sad that you, and many, many others, were denied that dignity and respect. Instead, the perpetrators of the crimes were protected.

Be strong and stick with us. We all need one another, and there are many people here for you.

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