Anyone interested in this type of project?
Worth a discussion?
My own view is that I've been asked several times to write a book about my story. There are numerous articles in various publications which give it a brief overview. I did think about writing something more substantial when I got back from Europe last year, but my journey in some ways came to a most welcome conclusion after spending time with my English relatives and finding a loving, caring family that I belonged in.
However I'm happy to be involved in a collabrative effort, but my skill is writing (and that is debatable), not the business side of navigating publishing whether it be in print or web based. NZ is a small country and not big enough to warrant much effort in trying to publish much here, on the other hands the States is much bigger and has a huge Bible Belt (around a large girth
What I find most people are interested in down here, is the scale of the scandal, how it was kept quiet and where this journey has led, with all it's international intrigue and involvement of some interesting world players. Exosing the latter could be a sensitive issue.
Then of course there are all the issues of what format to take. Who can contribute. Do offenders get named. Are the deceased granted partial pardons out of respect. What happens the royalties. And what will Raz wear when she is interviewed by Oprah?
Well that's my two cents worth, anyone else with bright ideas?
P.s. there is considerable creative talent about, it would be a shame to not use it, if the opportunity arose.