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MK forum • View topic - Missionary arrested overseas for child abuse

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:22 pm 
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http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/563251/for ... hild-abuse

MANILA, Philippines—A former import of the Manila Industrial and Commercial Athletic Association, the precursor of the Philippine Basketball Association, was arrested Monday for allegedly abusing children in Bulacan.
Officials from the National Bureau of Investigation and Department of Social Welfare and Development raided Tom Randall’s nursing home, Sankey Samaritan Orphanage, for orphans after reports surfaced that the former basketball player was molesting the 30 children under his guardianship, a television report said.
According to the report, Randall was arrested together with Toto Luchavez and Jake Luchavez who would allegedly also send orphaned girls to friends for sex.
The trio are facing charges of human trafficking, rape and child abuse.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:24 pm 
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See? It can be done! Report child abuse to local authorities overseas! Missionaries should not be above the laws of the country in which they are living!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:54 am 
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No one should be above the law of the land when it comes to child sexual abuse, to assume to be is just arrogance and a crime worthy of having one sent home en mass.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:26 am 
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FINALLY! Someone writes about the other side of this story! All the news articles and blogs I've read on line have been so one-sided, until today. American Christians have been leaping onto the band wagon: almost 24,000 "likes" for the "Free Tom Randall" Facebook page.

This article presents more information from the side of the missionary who alerted authorities to the problem at the orphanage.



"In Lucena City an orphanage, the Sankey Samaritan Mission for poor children and youth, was raided by the NBI and an American, Tom Randall and orphanage manager Toto Luchavez and his son Jake Luchavez were arrested and are charged with trafficking and child abuse based on strong testimony of some of the 31 victims."

While we are sickened again by yet another case of child abuse in the ministry, this case highlights the difficulties involved in bringing these vile acts to the attention of the public and authorities.

The whistleblower in this case is a missionary in the Philippines named Joe Mauk.

From his Facebook page;

“It is understandable a lot of people are seeking some additional background information on the posts we made regarding the rescue of young people from an abusive institution. The foreign founder and funder is a highly respected and highly effective long-term missionary and servant of God. The institution began with a board of individuals of professional background who were charged with approving the policies of the institution and monitoring the administration. After the departure of two initial administrators, the foreign funder’s closest Filipino friend and confidante was placed as the administrator. Over the years the board evolved into what it is now. Total board members: The administrator, the administrator’s wife, the administrator’s son and two staff paid by the administrator. Even the foreign funder is not on the board that controls all of his investments in this institution. The only accountability over the administration is the foreign funder himself who visits the country once a year.

A year or so ago one of my church members was asked to be principal of the Christian school that operates on the same compound as the children’s institution. This past year she recruited one of our young people, a newly certified teacher, to join the faculty. She was assigned living space in the dorm of the girls. Some of the girls confided in her of the abuse they were experiencing by the administrator. She told my daughter Miriam Bongolan who is trained in detecting child abuse by the head start program in the US and has worked in missions involving anti-abuse and child trafficking. She brought the news to me. I asked if there was anything I could send to the foreign funder to verify this. Two girls from the institution, at great personal risk, smuggled out letters to the teacher who gave them to Miriam who gave them to me. I immediately scanned them and emailed them to the foreign funder. His response was that he knew about one of the girls, that she was emotionally disturbed and told stories and that he had probably received a dozen such letters from her. He said he didn’t know about the other girl but would handle it himself as he was due to visit in 6 weeks.

As a service to the institution, I had been providing security guards from the agency that provides security for our conference center. In anticipation of the foreign funder’s visit to handle things, upon legal advice, I moved to increase security there. This attempt was met with furious opposition by the administrator and the funder. Within a week my increased security was replaced with a new agency who hired the old guards. Realizing there was nothing more I could do to help and realizing the responsibility to report to authorities reports received of abuse, I turned all information I had over to my legal counsel and to a pastoral crisis intervention team to report the matter to authorities.

And, it might have stayed there but.. I have five daughters. They are all fierce warriors for what they believe is right. This makes for interesting family dynamics but was also useful in this case. They would not let my youngest daughter Miriam get discouraged or give up. She and her teacher friend persisted against great odds until they were able to reach the highest levels of Philippine law enforcement. Hence the action we reported in our posts.”

Mauk is not being held up as a hero in some circles, but as a villain.

A pastor friend of Tom Randall’s named Joe Coffey wrote this blog article and has started a Facebook page in Randall’s defense that already has 22,000 “likes”.

Despite reports that the children were the ones to make the accusations, Mauk is being painted as an “accuser’ and “single man with a vendetta”.

As is too often the case, very little mention of the alleged victims is made by those defending Randall.

While there is little more damnable than false accusations of child abuse, ignoring such charges is.

We cannot assume guilt or innocence in this case, but we can and should allow the investigations and trials to proceed before we try to vindicate the accused without the victims getting their day in court.

More from Mauk;

“We are now being accused by supporters of the institution of terrible things but that’s okay, the kids are safe. This is the reason abuse in Christian institutions over the years has not come to light until years later. The refusal to accept reports is common. The resistance to any action is fierce and success in actual having charges filed is extremely difficult. Some of have been asking “How could Joe do this?” Simple answer: kids were being raped, what did you want me to do?”

We’ll be following this…

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:47 am 
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My Dear Raz,

Apologies for not looking into this developing story before now, alas I have been kept busy with strange domestic circumstances that involve green algae and desperate efforts to get rid of it. I guess it is a bit like child abuse, give it the right environment and it will flourish undetected until someone blows the whistle on it and starts to deal with the problem.

So we have a hero (reading the bio) who has even dined with George Bush and now sits in a Philippine jail, accused of some serious charges. There is the possibility that he is innocent and alas there is also a strong likelihood he is not, based on the track record of other fallen "heros" who have used their power and influence for less than honest intentions.

So there is a facebook page where good people of faith are called upon to support the accused and the faithful tick their like boxes and write comments about persecution and this being "the devils work". And you and I have heard this all before, like we are both asking where the facebook page is that supports the innocent children in this sorry saga. The answer of course is that it doesn't exist, just like NTM's efforts to help Scott Kennells victims in Brazil doesn't exist. Very few in the comfort of the West really care about some poor not so white kids in a land that is far far away and as we found out from personal experience, some of those who go to "serve" in those fields of "Brown Gold", harvest things that they should never be anywhere near and use their "service" as a cover for their real depraved intents.

But put the shoe of the secular world on for a moment and walk a short while and what does one see. Just another high profile religious person who stands accused of what so many others have been found guilty of (or been shuffled around to avoid being found guilty of) and the level of disdain rises yet higher. The secular world will also be asking where the "Free Toto Luchavez and his son Jake Luchavez" Facebook page is (the other two people arrested). Perhaps Pastor Joe is still designing that page, although I doubt it. No alas I suspect Pastor Joe and his many followers are really only concerned in leaping to the defence of someone who is "one of their own". And therein lies the destruction of the credibility of this campaign, no concern for anyone except Tom Randall and those that walk in secular shoes will be asking "do birds of a feather, flock together?".

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:53 am 
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All so true, Bemused.

I have been following this story closely ever since this news broke. It has been shocking to see the HUGE response of American Christians to the pronouncement by one close personal friend of Tom Randall's that the charges brought against this man are false and he is just being persecuted by a former-friend-turned-enemy. I knew there had to be another side to the story, and I was able to discover the other side the very first day, from the comfort of my own home, courtesy of Google. It is so easy to do one's own research these days. 24,000 Christians can't be bothered to do that?

Sorry, that sounds a little bitter, doesn't it. This situation has me pretty worked up. :(

As a person who spent decades in Asia, I have also found the general American attitude toward the Philippines and their justice system the last few days to be very prejudiced and insulting. One commenter went so far as to say that the Philippines isn't just a 3rd world country, it's a 5th world country. Whatever the heck that is supposed to mean.

You would think the fact that not only the Philippine police and NBI (equivalent to our FBI) was involved in these arrests, but that DHS and the US Embassy is also involved would make people stop and consider there might be some validity to the concerns for the orphanage children. But no. Instead, Randall supporters bombarded the US Embassy Facebook site to demand, "Free Tom Randall" by the hundreds!

Silence from the embassy. And the US State Department.

I wonder why???

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:07 am 
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And yes, I acknowledge that my obsession with this situation in the Philippines has a lot to do with my sense of regret and futility (tears starting now), feeling a deep, aching longing that we could somehow turn back the calendar 21 years to 1993.

A man we thought was our friend admitted then that he had molested a young MK entrusted to his care in that same country.

That man's name is Les Emory.

None of us had any way of knowing, at that time, that this man's evil crimes extended far beyond just one girl. His iniquities continue to this day to echo in the lives of multiple victims, bringing destruction and pain to those MKs, now adults, and the people closest to them.

If only he had been turned over to the Philippine authorities back then, and not allowed to escape to America. The Department of Homeland Security didn't even exist then. We were naive and ignorant. So many, many regrets.

Yes, this is personal.

Of course it is.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 12:35 pm 
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:20 am 
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:59 am 
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Haha! Right you are!

My lions disappeared for a while. I shall try to hunt them down and get them girded up again.


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