The human brain is the most complex of all the human organs and probably the least understood. Whereas physical conditions are relatively easy to diagnose because they generally exhibit the same symptoms from individual to individual (i.e. an amputee is diagnosed by observing that a limb is missing, which is the same diagnosis for all amputees), conditions of the mind are far less cut and dried.
MKs may well have near identical childhood circumstances, yet have coped with or reacted to those circumstances radically differently and consequently gone on to have different lives. PTSD and other psychiatric conditions are broad term labels for reactions to circumstances that vary widely, from the effects of war to long term abuse in personal relationships. The problem with labels is that once we attain them, we often see them as a sentence that we must wear and allow it to define who we are, instead of a challenge to make the choice to move beyond the label.
Life is all about choices, both our own and as MKs, choices made for us. And just like physical ailments, some cope well with a diagnosis and make the most of life and others don't.
Let the diagnosis of PTSD be an explanation of where you have come from and a challenge of where you want to go. There are many of us who have been on similar journeys. While it is not possible to erase the memories of the past, it is possible to change the direction we take in the future. Slowly at first, by whatever means you find at your disposal and that work for you. It is an individual journey, but one that others have parts in common. Fanda Eagles is a good place to find others with similar journeys and a good place to see that healing is possible.
As for attaining the Holy Grail of labels and eventually becoming "normal". Don't bother, "normal" doesn't exist. There is nothing wrong with being unique, eccentric or slightly crazy. I'm all three and Mrs Bemused thinks I'm pretty good anyway
