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MK forum • View topic - Dear Larry Brown, letters you should reply to

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:53 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
Posts: 5272
Dear Larry,

Lets have a talk, MK to MK, man to man, Agnostic to Saint.

No doubt by now you've realised that the Gary Earl scandal has broken publicly and although what Gary has done in his past is abhorrent to any person with any moral fibre, what NTM has done about it is truly appalling and I would suggest could be the final straw that brings NTM down.

I won't bore you with the transcript that has been published on Fanda Eagles, you can read it for yourself.

The reassurance that the abuse had ended in the 90s proved to be alas inaccurate, when Scott Kennell was jailed for 58 years. NTM issued this vague statement "While we are trying to confirm whether there is a connection between the accused's personal actions and our organization, we have put the accused on immediate leave." and then Scott Kennell was wiped from NTM and for his victims probably nothing?

Now it turns out the promises of instant termination are hollow, for Gary Earl remains on the NTM website long after it was confirmed he was an abuser. No doubt he is collecting his donations and has a comfortable lifestyle, but what of his victims.

I knew Gary, met him when I was an MK at Numonohi. He is just another offender in a growing list of men who transgressed into criminality and who intercepted my teenage years. Coincidence that there were so many or is there a more logical explanation?

No doubt Gary will soon be gone from NTM, his name will only be mentioned by those who dare to gossip. His victims won't forget his name, as the victims of many others won't forget theirs. And no more promises of action or policy change or terminations will repair the damage done to those who became collateral damage of a faith that far to many have lost because of the crimes of evil men who were supposed to be protecting them.

There are many MKs who's lives have been destroyed by the monsters that NTM had pass through it's ranks. Very few of these monsters have ever seen justice and those who have did so because they were turned in by brave MKs not by a Mission that cared. Most have been allowed to fade into retirement or slip quietly away with a resignation or buried as Saintly Hero's.

The fate of NTM now lies in yours and a select few hands. There is a swell of public distrust and disgust with groups who hide their paedophiles under the cover of their religious beliefs. Where that tide of revulsion will sweep and what it will sweep before it is not my gamble to ignore, it is yours.

So MK to MK, man to man, Agnostic to Saint, it is time to turn Gary Earl and every other paedophile, rapist, child beater and whoever else NTM is and has sheltered over to the authorities and do it publicly with sincere contrition that leaves only the truly cynical doubting your true repentance. No more lies, half truths, inquiry groups, excuses, biblical excuses or hiding.

Kind regards


cc Fanda Eagles

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:42 am 
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Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:06 am
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What an excellent letter! Full stop.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:10 am 
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Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:09 am
Posts: 354
Thank you for putting into words what we all want said.
You did it well.

@ Larry Brown: Act NOW! Do what is RIGHT. Do not try to turn out the light. GOD IS LIGHT. And you KNOW that NO darkness is in Him.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:07 am 

Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:13 pm
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Location: Upstate NY US
Thank you Bemused for a copy of the letter.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:26 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:58 pm
Posts: 65
The story of Gary Earl, and NTM, will be a story, and maybe even a case study, for many years. Mostly because of the intelligence, courage and tenacity of Lori McAlister. And your account here will most certainly be an important part of the narrative.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:36 am 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
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Feel free to copy and send this to whoever you like. NTM has a website which enables almost all their missionaries to be contacted, it also often lists the supporting church (which with a bit of detective work can be located).
Perhaps if Larry (and the others who got this letter, remember always cc someone else in on communications, preferably a female ) doesn't reply in say a week, it may be laid upon my heart to share this with others of the Triber community.
This is an excellent time to expose what we know, the ground work has been done by another brave MK, if we drop the ball now then . . .

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:46 am 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
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P.s. Please also feel free to write letters in your own wise words on this thread. I wouldn't like Larry to think that the only person who writes to him is an Agnostic from Australiaish :o

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:55 am 
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Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:04 pm
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Lots of courage and good thinking going on here!

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:18 pm 
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:54 am 
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Joined: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:10 pm
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Well, actually, Gary Earl was not dismissed. Had he been dismissed, he wouldn't have been able to keep getting financial support through NTM. As it is, his "punishment" was being forced to retire! If he wants to live at the Old Folks Home in Sanford, he will have to pay an extra $2,500 to the MK restitution fund, but... shoot! Gary lives in Southern California! Who would move to Sanford from THERE, even if he were paid to do so!

I guess Gary doesn't need to make any contributions to the MK restitution fund so long as he doesn't opt for the heat and humidity of Central Florida. And, at 67, he's probably content to "retire" anyway.

The letters that Larry Brown REALLY needs to be answering, and the ones that would be sure to get prompt attention from him, would be those that come from attorneys representing abused children and adults. THOSE would not be ignored!

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