I am a current member of NTM, and post on this Forum occasionally. You may have heard it said or implied that those who post on this site just want to see NTM destroyed and punishment meted out to those who have inflicted or abetted abuse. While there are those whose hurt and pain runs so deeply that they cannot yet see beyond it, the majority of the abuse survivors here only desire the truth to be revealed, and for NTM to place a higher value on revealing truth than on organizational survival.
I am in my 20th year with NTM, and have worked at NTBI-Jackson, in Panama, and with NTM Aviation in McNeal. I wholeheartedly believe in and support the goals of NTM in the context of global evangelism. I also strongly support this journey toward truth. I want to see health and healing in NTM as an organization. I also want to see health and healing in those who have been touched by abuse of any kind by NTM. This IS what God also wants.
Is this also your desire? We can't deny these events happened, and we can't deny the extensive damage that occurred in the lives of numerous children. We can only ask, "What does God want me personally to do?" I would also love to talk with any NTM members who would like to do so. Email me at
paul_syson@ntm.org, or join this forum and PM me if you would rather remain anonymous for now.
Perhaps becoming active is NOT what you are feeling drawn to do -- and that is OK. I followed this Forum for almost 4 years before becoming a participant, and I believe that was the right decision at that time. But if you remain on the sidelines, please keep informed. You never know when the Coach may say, "It's time for you to be on the playing field."