I'm not exactly a triber or ex triber. More of an excommunicated MK.
But perhaps my account might be of some insight.
The principals brother was alas killed in a domestic accident. It was held up as an example of what would happen to us if we didn't "Walk with the Lord". I remember thinking at the time, where's the grief, he died very young and all as we can remember him for is he wasn't "Walking with the Lord"? Sure scared some of us into behaving for a bit though.
My parents spout the same lines when they pull out the prayer cards. They are divided into three catergories. "Those that are Walking with the Lord", "Those who have not accepted the Lord" and the worst catergory "Those that are not walking with the Lord".
I did tell my parents many years ago that we all serve God in different ways, they in their way and I in His, but they didn't see the funny side of that one.