You are more than welcome. You have a very special talent and if it is your hearts desire to share this with others, I think the least we can do is support you and put our collective brains together and see what we come up with. I get quite a few messages from people who really get a laugh and have their day made brighter by the poetic exchanges we have on your other thread POEMS in "PURPLE"....are what I have to say!. But look how many others contribute, who thought they could never write poetry or humour, and look how fast that thread is growing.
Alas your artwork is unseen by most of us, because of the confines of the structure of this forum, but it is truly amazing. None of this modern art rubbish, pure good skilled brushwork.
So here we are two writers who can make people laugh and respond with our crazy stanzas about purple tutus, flying birds, non flying birds, e.t.c. and sometimes we write serious poetry. But only one of us can paint, at it ain't me. We've done well in our little niche of purple patch on Fanda Eagles, but imagine what you can achieve on a world stage, if you can find the outlet that such a talent needs.
The person who will crack this is you of course. But we can cheer you on and we can throw ideas into the pot for you to think over. And we can be here for you when you get those rejection letters, because you will, I have had them. But it only takes one person who can see the potential you have and take you with it to where you are now only dreaming of. It happened for me with my medical childrens stories and then my radio comedy slot. It can happen for you, because you have an extraordinary talent.
Firstly believe in yourself. Secondly decide which market you are most interested in reaching (be prepared to change, I wrote kids stories that ended up in a medical journal that few kids ever read, but their parents did) and which genre you are hoping to use (you can write as well as paint, so you have two options, combining both sticking to just one).
One thing you might consider, is to only show publishers, marketers or agents a selection of your work, with the clear message that there is far more in your portfolio. This makes them keen to see more and you then call some of the shots.