An interesting exercise I've engaged in over the years is to name 5 people that I would invite for a dinner party, from any period of history or walk of life.
Four of my five would be:
Edmund Hillary (first man to climb Mt. Everest, then drove a tractor to the South Pole before spending his life helping the people of Nepal to better their lives).
Cat Stevens ( a brilliant musician).
Bill Clinton ( a very gifted orator and statesman, who has visited NZ numerous times and is well respected here).
Rolf Harris ( versatile entertainer with many hit songs, a gifted painter and all round entertainer)
Today this news broke ... ce-suspect and I feel a mixture of sad and let down.
I hope there is some mistake.
But we've been down this road before and another person from my childhood that I had fond memories of turns out to have a truly dark side.