Welcome Freedom,
Not the kind of club I dreamed of ever joining but the friends here are some of the BEST! Keep posting......we don't judge, shame or even ignore anyone's pains and hurts. I have found that this site has become instrumental as part of my journey to healing!
I know your pain and I know your dark.
Being here means you are ready. Ready to move towards a light of healing for you. All my life I kept trying to heal for other's. My parents. Countless boyfriends or fiances. My husband, his Mother, Employers, Friends, My parents, and even the therapists that were getting frustrated with me. This year I found out I am becoming a grandmother. This year I finally got fed up with the cutting, the suicide wishes or wishes God would just take me in my sleep....even becoming angry with him for not answering that prayer. How silly but how desperately sad. It was then that I realized my darkness and sadness were no longer safe inside my heart, they were now my AURA. I would lose my kids if I continued to let my aura as that scared, traumatized, angry, confused and soul flooded with tears take over. My girls know me as their hero, strong and full of life. I couldn't let the legacy of misery and mental issues continue and to my grandchild.
I also knew that my clock was ticking with my boyfriend....Eight years with me and the last three have caused him his own health issues with stress and an ache for me and an anger building because he can't fix it or make it stop for me. He came into my life as a hero and the neighbor who brought my "mojo" back by allowing me to laugh again and be me for me without worrying about what Suburbia thought of me. He brought me to life by taking me place that my inner child could come back out. He is tired now...tired of me not seeing the person he sees I am and can be.
You can find my postings here in multiple topics and you will see I am raw, lengthy in my writings
and not afraid to say it like it is in my family!!
Welcome and we are here for you~