Captains Log 1000th Post:
Review of Journey so far:
Born as child of 1960’s, far corner of planet earth, star sign irrelevant.
Parents contacted Supreme Being at age 5 and life became a quest for them to explore possibilities of Supreme Beings Will. Culminating in call by Supreme Being to transfer into organisation known as New Tribes Mission, for purposes of illuminating truths of Supreme Being upon mortals of more primitive, unenlightened cultures in predominantly previously unaccessed parts of planet earth.
Transported with parents to training facility in country called Australia for indoctrination and training. Note at this point was dubious about venture, due to interesting behaviour of indoctrinators.
In the year 1976 transferred by NTM to country of primitive cultures, forgoing much of luxuries of western culture in order to assimilate into surrounding society and due to financial situation becoming dire for parents.
Quickly established that amongst the good people of organisation NTM, there were considerable radicals, criminals and those who viewed citizens of far corners of planet earth, to be inferior sub species of their own great country of origin and that the more melanin enhanced members of the human race to be sub-human. Objected to such behaviour and filed report with male parent re the same, no action taken.
In the year 1982, transferred back to far corner of planet earth to complete education. Feelings at time: total disillusionment with NTM experience, dubious about nature of Supreme Being and of the opinion that head down tail up would erase memories of experience of teenage years.
Spent several decades in above mode, removing self from religious contacts, working hard to establish career in caring for fellow human beings and generally erasing from memory banks memories of NTM and associated teenage years. Important note, did ask male parent for debrief on experiences and explanation of behaviours of certain individuals, request denied vehemently. Male parent denies existence of any negative info pertaining to teenage years, enforcing mantra that all negative references to such are “bitter spirit”.
Forward to year 2011. Am invited by childhood associate to explore the possibilities that I was not alone in journey in teenage years at NTM. Forum Fanda Eagles, method internet. Contact made with other former progeny’s of NTM personnel, most with similar accounts of unacceptable human behaviour (I.e. sexual offending), mind altering behaviour and excessive corrective actions. Almost all of aforementioned practises perpetrated in educational facilities of NTM, in remote parts of planet earth, far from gaze of proper law enforcement authorities and covered up by management of NTM.
Initially elated to discover that I am not alone or deluded about memories of experiences, then dismayed to learn of extent of abuse to others. Change course of life to bring justice for those affected, joining up with several other human beings to do so. Details of methods documented in supplementary previous posts.
Confronted male parent re level of evil perpetrated in name of Supreme Being. Male parent denies any knowledge of same, denies involvement and states he does not care. Communication terminated by self, parental benefits rescinded and orphan status assumed. Note, support from Mrs Bemused invaluable, as is support from other members of Fanda Eagle community.
Projected Course: To bring to justice those who perpetrated horrendous crimes against defenceless children. To make accountable those who covered up the aforementioned events. Then to fade into obscurity with knowledge that the human race is better off for efforts of one Captain Bemused.
Over and Out