Thanks for your post, radioshack. Wise and insightful words, and I know they come from your own difficult experiences.
The emotions you feel as a survivor are all legitimate, understandable, and very real. I am sad that you have felt discredited. I wish this forum was a place of safety for all to feel validated. But I know that your caution is well-founded.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for your good advice to others who may be wondering what kind of response they might receive if they get honest and real here.
I know that as much as we dream of a safe and welcoming haven here on the internet, it is impossible for any of us to make it perfect.
I am grateful to hear that for you, wonderful things have happened and are happening. I hope wonderful things will continue to happen.
For us all. Posters, readers, survivors, cheerleaders.
All of us.