Time for a laugh, so here goes:
Having a bit of time on my hands, I was having a nosey round the web and found the NTM Retirement Homes site.
And what do I see, (apart from some retired missionaries), yes, in bold print "Royal Volunteers".
"What old boy" I said to myself in my most appalling British accent (my parents are British, so I vaguely can speak it). "What have we here then". This can only mean one of three things:
1) Florida has split from the U.S. and gone back to being a colony of Mother England (so much for the Boston teaparty). So now all Floridians are subjects of Her Majesty Queen Liz II, making anyone who volunteers to work in said Resthome, a Royal Volunteer.
2) The Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Philip secretly joined NTM years ago and are now living at the NTM Retirement Complex. Well all those Royal weddings and appearances were a phenomenal cover up weren't they! What a coup for NTM, to have the Queen as a missionary and they kept it so quiet, amazing. Therefore anyone attending to her needs would be of course a Royal Volunteer.
3) The only volunteers allowed to work in the NTM resthome complex are in fact from Commonwealth countries, i.e. the U.K., N.Z., Australia and Canada, because they are the only ones who can legitmately call themselves Royal Volunteers. Those volunteers who don't have a monarch as head of state, would have to call themselves Republic Volunteers (sorry to any Democrats) and there was no mention of them.
I await to be enlightened, on which of these three possibilites is the answer.
Confused Bemused
P.s. in case anyone is wondering, personally I think the whole Royal thing is a waste of taxpayers money. Next time you have a Boston Teaparty, invite me along.