I've been thinking for days about how to reply to your kind post without sounding like I am trying to get you when I say that I am not trying to get you!

The point of this thread, and the point of my posts, is not to get anyone, but to point out some of the fallacies that have characterized NTM teaching over the years.
I agree with the points you made; we certainly need to be humble and open to correction as we study God's Word, and doubly so as we seek to share it with others. Like I told Raz above, I had almost all the answers when I went away to NTBI in 1972; I could hardly wait to learn the few things I still didn't know. Ah! Youth. . . .
Humility is not quite the same thing as uncertainty, any more than certainty is the same as pride. We need not be hesitant or equivocal when we proclaim God's love; God is love, not it seems to me that God is probably love. I know whom I have believed. We know that all things work together for good to them that love God. These are not opinions; they are revelation, and we can be sure of their truth. It is from such certainty that our passions arise.
At the same time, we see through a glass darkly; we know in part, not in full, and there will be places where honest differences in understanding are . . . well, are understandable. In fact, there will even be differences in understanding about which areas are legitimate and which are heretical. "Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind."