Like the Good Book itself, this site is all things to all men and women, unless one of course is an F.E. Atheist, then it doesn't exist.
The background to this is that one Brian Houston has been brought before the Australian Commission of Inquiry to answer why he did not report his paedophile father to the police. The evidence is somewhat chilling, as the activities of Frank Houston were brought before 50 pastors of the Assembly of God Church (which Brian Houston was the president of) and not one notified the police. It now turns out there were many victims both in the Houston's native New Zealand and in Australia where they have been residing for some time.
Of course they are at the top of the Hillsong empire, which I understand has exported it's music globally (not my genre and I don't frequent churches enough to know what music is current), including the U.S. and also has set up satellite churches internationally.
The media is also reporting interesting financial dealings and to the outsider looking in, one would wonder if any of this has more to do with empire building than the humility and healing that Christ taught.
Quite possibly the average church goer of Hillsong has had little idea of what has been going on, but now that it is all in the open, courtesy of the media reporting this Government investigation, very few would not know. This then creates the scenario that all are informed and each must make decisions based on the knowledge. Much like it is with the NTM situation.
Granted it is much easier to be on the outside looking in, in this situation. But for those who are in such organisations, it would be advisable to think very carefully about what course of action to take. The bulk of responsibility will rest with those who are current and past leaders, but members also have some moral responsibility in either advising leadership of their support or unease with courses of action.
Now about wishing to borrow my protective fire gear. O.k., but of course if the alarm goes off and you are in it, you will be obliged to answer the call. And as you bounce along the road in the fire truck, you will probably question your own sanity and what you will see when you arrive at your emergency destination, which is sort of what a Sympathetic Agnostic feels like when they post on Fanda Eagles
Also, please return the gear in good condition, a whiff of Holy Smoke is perfectly understandable but a badly torn set of gear would . . .
You might also want to consider if you really would wish to be seen in a outfit usually worn by a Unrepentant Sympathetic Agnostic who suffers from frequent bouts of Verbal Diarrhoea, that really would get some tongues wagging
I look forward to your thoughts on this, in the meantime I'll go and wash my protective gear, just in case you need it.