Oh believe me, I would trade in my family. Harsh sounding, but that's the way the cookie crumbles in this sorry mess.
My family had to make a choice, we all did. When it became known that there had been widespread sexual abuse in NTMs boarding schools, there were two options, do nothing or to make an effort to make sure the truth came out and that this never happened again.
Unless anyone is totally thick, I think my position is really clear. My father is on the opposite side of the equation, still stating that nothing happened, there was no child abuse, it is all a fantasy and hysteria. And the rest of my family had to choose between the two of us or to be more precise, live and see the truth or just exist doing what they were told.
Oh yes we've had my sister on here, posting about getting together, having breakfast. So what happens, I get a deputation from her husband, who suddenly spouts the same phrases as my father. No contact from my sister at all.
And now good old Bemused has been proved right, the abuse never stopped, it is still going on, despite the fancy words and changes in policy.
Oh yes we have IHART, but frankly I don't have a lot of faith in a group who one of their team writes to me and can't even get my name right, the atrocious spelling I'll excuse, because mine is not perfect. Initially we had GRACE and I suspect NTM was of the opinion that their report would show a few misguided men and that would be that. But it went far beyond that, it went right to evidence being shredded by the top at Sanford. Damn uncomfortable that and where was God who was supposed to be protecting the mission from all this anyway. So dismiss GRACE and invent IHART, call it independent and hope it doesn't uncover to much. In the meantime keep saying over and over that the abuse figures aren't as bad as in modern secular society. Oh God in heaven, that's really insulting, the abuse figures should be zero!!!!!!
No I won't trade me family in, they are my problem to deal with and no one else deserves to have them inflicted upon them. We all had hard choices to make and they made the wrong one!