From one non-entity to another ...
Often forgiveness can actually be more easily seen in what it is NOT rather than what it is. Let me explain a bit ...
#1 Forgiveness is NOT a feeling. It is an act of the will, it involves a series of decisions.
#2 Forgiveness is NOT forgetting. Forgetting is a passive event that occurs over time; whereas forgiveness is an active choice and a deliberate course of action. Often we need to make that choice over and over, due to our tendency as human beings to bring past incidents back up to use as a lever or a club in some future incident.
#3 Forgiveness is NOT excusing the actions. Excusing says, "That's OK," and implies that "What you did wasn't really wrong." True forgiveness deals honestly and openly with the sin, and results in freedom.
But as we all know, this is such a huge topic, and these only address one facet of it. I'm just offering some food for thought. And these thoughts are not original with me (whose opinions truly are?), they are taken from a book entitled, "The Peacemaker."
signed: Mr Invisible (I can't believe I was suckered in to posting again!)