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MK forum • View topic - How Are We Doing?

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 Post subject: Re: How Are We Doing?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:07 am 
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Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:09 am
Posts: 354
Thanks Shary!
I was saying to Raz yesterday that I finally realized some important things:

The past months - since I was in FLA - have opened my eyes to the massive betrayal, abuse, ETC ETC that I have suffered...

I have accepted things - been indoctrinated to do so- for so many years.

I deserve better!!!!

I am valuable!!!!!!!

I am worth so much more!!!!!!

All those negatives that were forced upon me are NOT true. Full stop.

And I have to re-program my mind and whole being accordingly... and it will be a long, windy and difficult road.

BUT I can and I will!!!!!

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 Post subject: Re: How Are We Doing?
PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:10 am 
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 Post subject: Re: How Are We Doing?
PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:16 am 
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 Post subject: Re: How Are We Doing?
PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 11:26 am 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
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[quote="Raz"]Eleven months have passed since I posted this! ELEVEN MONTHS!

As far as I can tell, nothing has changed, in almost a year. I'm not sure if IHART has reached Step #4 yet, in any of their investigations. I'm fairly certain Steps 5, 6, 7 and 8 have not been reached.

And so I ask, again ... "How are we doing??"



I can't answer for others how WE are doing. I've never been a particularly good team player, rarely got picked to be on the team, the legacy of my childhood and it's weird journey.

But I am personally doing fine, thanks for asking. Oh it would be wonderful if NTM, rounded up it's paedophiles and marched them down to the local sheriff and demanded they be locked up, then opened up their coffers and paid for the mess they have caused, but that is not likely to happen.
However I am still very grateful for being able to sort out the mess in my head from the past, afforded by the opportunity of being able to participate in this wonderful forum. It was a tremendous relief to find after so many decades that what I was not alone or subjecting myself to nightmarish fantasies.
Mrs Bemused says I am much more settled and happy because of this and for this we are both very grateful. So now I find myself much more able to face life's adversities and to stop being the doormat that I had become.

There is of course still much work to be done and it is an honour to work alongside dedicated individuals like Raz in the pursuit of justice, healing and the prevention of this happening again to future generations. The world may never know how hard such dedicated individuals have worked, but the world will be a safer and fairer place for their efforts. And in the moments of frustration, it is some satisfaction to know that we are the ones who have the easy task of just telling the truth, the alternative eventually unravels itself and becomes its own millstone.

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 Post subject: Re: How Are We Doing?
PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 11:54 am 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
Posts: 5156
Thanks, Bemused. :)

Our International Team really is pretty amazing.

The game's not over yet, so heads up ... watch for the next ball coming your way.


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 Post subject: Re: How Are We Doing?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:22 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
Posts: 5272
How are we doing????

Well it's been quite a week. Some of us are going "well at last, something has happened and the first of many offenders is on his way to jail". And some of us are crying because it has all come back again and NTM got it wrong. There are a whole plethera of emotions.

So Bemused, how was your week?

Well apart from putting petrol in a diesal car, rather exhilirating. Lots happening down here, but I won't bore you with my life, lets just have a little break from the serious stuff ;) .

You ask me how my week was and I'll make up a story, o.k.?

Yep thanks for asking. You see I was wandering down the beach and I tripped over a bottle. Out pops this gene and says "oh thank you Bemused, I've been stuck in here for a 1000 years, as a sign of my deep felt gratitude, name any wish you would like".

I thanked the Gene and wished for an all expenses holiday to the U.S. to see my many new found friends on Fanda Eagles.

"no problem" replies the Gene, "you fly first class on Monday and will stay at the Raz Hilton and the Mosquito Bite Inn, penthouse suite of course".

"no, no, no" I said to the Gene, I can't fly, I'm a flyophobe, I have to go by road".

He got a bit mad and shouted, "do you know how far it is? Do you know how deep the Pacific Ocean is, you better ask for something a bit more realistic".

"Ok I said, how about you explain to me why NTM can't sort out this mess properly, see I was an MK and I know Tribers and yet I still don't understand what is going on in NTM????"

The Gene replied. "So do you want a two or four lane motorway!!!!" :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: How Are We Doing?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:42 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:13 pm
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Location: Upstate NY US
:lol: :lol: Love that Gene. I hope it is a 4 lane grand motorway. Or you could ask for a luxury ocean liner. Looking forward to seeing you.

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 Post subject: Re: How Are We Doing?
PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:49 am 
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Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:04 pm
Posts: 3724
Gene Long?
In a bottle?
What a week! :lol:
Yes, the bed is made.
Come on over!

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 Post subject: Re: How Are We Doing?
PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:55 am 
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 Post subject: Re: How Are We Doing?
PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:12 am 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
Posts: 5272
My Dear Mosquito,

You've missed out on so much this week. We've had a camel painted black and white that is pretending to be a zebra. Then Raz lost her dentures again and got them muddled up with one of my patients and started speaking with a funny accent (have you got the right ones now Raz) and we've had a few tears and explored the similarity between MASH and ourselves. Then I found another guest for my table and we all sat down for a gourmet meal. Saved you a meal, it's just in the warming draw, help yourself.


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