Breaking News!!Another website has vanished without a trace…
SNS reporters have been alerted to the sudden disappearance from cyberspace of the website for Professional Investigators International, the independent investigators tasked with determining the truth of allegations that an influential member of a reputable Christian organization had his hand in the cookie jar.
As recently as Sunday, interested parties could access and discover that Robert A. "Bob" Davis, principal investigator, "is a retired 35-year veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and currently a Master Instructor and consultant with an international security firm. Bob’s accomplishments include many investigative and analytical certifications that are utilized in leading and providing ongoing professional development for the Pii team of investigators."
Moreover, it was possible to find out that Rhonda Kitchen, a member of the Pii team, is a graduate of California Baptist University in Riverside, California, and serves as an adjunct instructor of Fort Sherman Academy, an international crisis management training academy in Pinehust, Idaho, the same institution where Scott Ross is Scott is an adjunct senior trainer.
As more details become available, updates will be posted. Adjunct reporters are cordially invited to file reports of their own on this thread. Except Bob Davis; he can start his own thread.