I think in the 90's a lot of missions changed their names. The Gospel Missionary Union changed to Avant, they said because some countries didn't like the word Missionary and other the word Union. I have often wondered in the discussions did it ever come up that maybe in a few years people would forget the old name and think it was a different organization. GMU has refused to acknowledge responsibility for abuse at Mamou even though they forced their missionaries to send their kids there. GMU says it was all C&MA's responsibility. Missions are no different than any business the bottom line is what counts, which they call responsibility. The churches responsibility to pay for their living and travel all over the country and the world. They may not make millions but many of the leaders live on a lot higher salary than those who support them, they have good retirements in retirement villages the average person in the church could never have. Yet they always need more money to reach the lost. What about their lost MKs they can't even get money to pay for counseling. OK enough of a rant for tonight.