Apparently Her Majesty would prefer that her loyal subjects refer to her as such. Those citizens of non commonwealth countries are of course exempt, although "Howdy Liz" does not go down well.
There are regular attempts by the Republican movements downunder to cut the ties with Britain and as immigration and the natural demise of the older generation, it is a growing movement and probably eventually we will be on the lookout for a President.
When it comes to pomp and ceremony the British are a class act. The award for patriotism is shared by the Americans and Australians. The average Kiwi doesn't know more than the first line of the national anthem and can't tell the difference between the Kiwi and Aussie flag
Of course this could be an ethical dilemma for Bemused. Imagine if the Queen decides that she should pay for the garage sends me a checque, how do I write the thank you letter?
Perhaps I could get Raz to be a humble and obedient servant and write on my behalf