A little parable:
I was invited to attend the opening of a healthcare facility that I have an association with today. On the billing was the cutting of the ribbon by a very famous Kiwi Sporting Hero. Being a nice day and in need of some exercise, I put on my brilliant Dr. Suess Cycling shirt (Green Eggs and Ham in vibrant colours), loaded the cycling hound on to the back. Alas the celebrity and I were both running a little late, he being even later than I. So I roared up the drive to the entrance with my darkglasses and helmet on, where the masses of patients, staff and invited guests were awaiting the arrival of aforementioned celebrity. The manager, who knows the cycling hound and I very well, started clapping and the next thing I know I'm getting a heros welcome, cameras are out and the applause is sensational, culminating in a lap of honour and then shooting behind the facility to stow the bike. It turns out that many assumed that I was the celebrity Sportsman (ha, ha he plays rugby and is not Lance Armstrong). Anyway the hound was a great hit with the patients and stole the show.
Moral of the story:
1) Sometimes people see what they want to see, not what is obvious.
2) You can fool most of the people, if you do it right.
3) A hound riding a bike is very cool
