I've been having an interesting discussion with a new found "Fanda Friend", about Spiritual Abuse. My father uses a technique where he says " I don't want you to be upset but . . . " then what follows is a tirade of personal abuse/attack, which of couse has no right of reply.
Personally I've always considered this to be a psycological tactic used by a bully, however my learned friend is of the opinion that it is Spiritual Abuse and being no expert on matters spiritual (due to shoving it in the "to hard basket" for decades), they could be right. Since it comes from someone who considers themselves to be on the hot line to the Almighty and thereby a Spiritual person, I may have to admit that I am ummmmmmmmmm are wrong
If I had to define Spiritual Abuse, I supose I'd say it was the use of religon to make someone else do or think something against their natural instinct. But I'm open to more wise insight.
In fact I'm so open minded, my brains fall out