No it ain't Wonderfully Obviously True to some of us!
Perhaps it is for many, like a lovely present, wrapped up by lovely parents, opened in front of doting uncles and aunts and cousins.
But for some of us it was delivered in hate! By parents who sacrificed us to uncles who raped and abused us and then served us communion and made us confess our sins, while their sordid perfect wives beat the stuffing out of us because they were frustrated by their lives and to gutless to admit they had paedophiles for husbands. Then our cousins beat the living daylights out of us day after day, because we didn't fit in and the racist headmaster said it was fine for that to happen because it was normal and he didn't like people with black skin.
O.k. Aussie is angry and going for it, but it wasn't flaming wonderful then, it sure ain't now! I don't think it is ever going to be Wonderfully Obviously True. I've found more comfort in Buddhist teachings than the Mumbo Jumbo served up as christianity day after day, by sick perverted missionaries in NTM!
I'm on this site to pursue justice, not be converted back to what I've been trying to get out of my head for years.