Pasted below is the Conclusion to the "Final Supplement to GRACE Amended Final Report" dated January 4, 2011, accessed at
Although the GRACE team has well over 100 years of experience working with cases of child maltreatment, none of us were fully prepared for all that was disclosed by MKs and their parents. Nearly four months after the release of our report, we continue to be impacted by all that we heard and saw. Those who died and those who live with the abuse they endured at Fanda are forever in our hearts and prayers.
GRACE is grateful for the courage of New Tribes Mission. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time in the history of Christendom that a major faith institution hired a truly independent, outside body to investigate a major case of child maltreatment. We are also heartened that NTM has responded promptly and forcefully to many of the GRACE recommendations. In some instances, NTM has gone beyond the GRACE recommendations—even at the risk of losing supporters and funding. Through its words and actions, NTM has clearly begun to demonstrate repentance for the sins committed against so many and against our Lord.
We also note that NTM has made much progress since the 1980’s. GRACE has reviewed NTM’s current child protection manual and policies and we applaud the effort of Scott Ross and others who developed these policies.
Having said this, no child protection policy will be effective unless those charged with its enforcement are trained and experienced in handling cases of child maltreatment. The errors NTM made in the investigation of Fanda could have been reduced if they had utilized one or more outside bodies specializing in this unique offense. This will be important for NTM to keep in mind as it confronts allegations of abuse in other boarding schools. GRACE encourages NTM to carefully review and consider the proposal for future investigations provided to NTM on November 1, 2010.
It is difficult to investigate dozens of allegations of abuse involving numerous perpetrators or enablers. This is even more difficult when the allegations are more than 20 years old. Memories will be imperfect, records inconsistent, and even truthful witnesses will have disagreements as to various events. Such was the case in the investigation of the Fanda boarding school. Nonetheless, after hundreds of hours of interviews and in reviewing more than 1000 pages of documents, there remains the incontrovertible fact that dozens of children were maltreated and numerous minds, bodies and souls were impacted. Although some have attacked the periphery of the GRACE report or the procedures used, no one has or will be able to undermine this simple truth.
There is another truth that became apparent during the course of this investigation. In the book of Matthew our Savior said “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned, and revealed them to little children.” (Matthew 11:25) GRACE is humbled to have seen this verse come to life during the course of the investigation. Although the victims of Fanda have endured great pain, and may always on this earth feel a loss, many of them have demonstrated a remarkable sense of love and compassion—not only for each other, but for those who hurt them. As noted in this report, many of those who claim they were hurt by their teachers and dorm parents are sympathetic to those who hurt them. Many reported they forgive their offenders, even though these offenders may not have asked for forgiveness. One MK told GRACE she could understand how hard it must be for those who hurt her to fully grasp the significance of their sin. She told us she had committed some pretty big sins in her life and appreciated the difficult process those who scarred her childhood must now go through. Though this is not true of all the MKs, the fact that so many expressed such thoughts is a remarkable reflection of the power of the Holy Spirit.
Through their suffering, through their broken bodies and spirits, these children have grasped the things “hidden from the wise and the learned.” In their love, and even in their righteous anger, the MKs preached God’s truth to each other, to those who hurt them, and to all of those watching.
The months and years ahead will determine how well Christendom has listened to these children.
Respectfully Submitted by GRACE on this 4th day of January, 2011.