Wow, rroym! I would like to flatter myself that I could put as much good theology into any post on purpose as you did on your last post on page 6 of this thread, quite possibly by accident!
Shame, guilt, sin, truth, responsibility, affirmation . . . these are important concepts, and when our understanding is, to borrow a phrase that Andy borrowed from the Bible, half-baked, it can be a huge barrier to overcome, something that can prevent healing, stymies growth and prolongs pain.
I think you've hit pay dirt. Raz and Sherpa Dude have already raised important points, points that really are not contradictory as much as complementary.
Your insights would not be out of place on the "Picky, picky, picky" thread, but they probably deserve a thread of their own. I hope you'll consider doing this. . . and save me doing it for you!